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The Best Menopause Specialist or The Importance of a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner
The Pill Club bankruptcy. Are telemedicine services still safe?
5 Random Sexual Health Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know
Chlamydia and Infertility: What You Need to Know
What Are Reproductive Rights?
Facts About STDs Everyone Should Know
Birth Control Telemedicine Consultation: A Guide to Preparing For Your Appointment
Taking a Break From Birth Control
The Top 6 Telehealth Birth Control Benefits
Knowing your contraception options: is “Plan C” an emergency contraceptive?
How to Get Birth Control Online
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021
Endometriosis Awareness Month
Embracing Your Sexual Health + Entrepreneurship with Lovability Inc.
Best New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier and Happier You
The 7 Places to Hide a Pandia Health Gift Box
The Fight for Racial and Gender Equality in Reproductive Healthcare
Why Access to Birth Control is Fundamental
International Girls Day: How Birth Control Empowers Everyone
#ThxBirthControl Day 2020
Vote with Pandia Health
What you Need to Know about SCOTUS, the ACA & Birth Control
Sex Ed With DB Podcast featuring Dr. Sophia Yen!
Menstruate and Celebrate: National Period Day 2020!
Women Supporting Women: Empowering Small Women’s Businesses
Celebrate and Educate: Happy Health Literacy Month!
Honoring International Day of the Girl Child
Honoring National Women’s Small Business Month with Dr. Sophia Yen from Pandia Health
How to Empower Those with Uteri
Systemic Barriers in Health for Women of Color Featuring Feminist Writer, Victoria Ellyse
Dr. Yen Shares Her Story on Slice of Healthcare Podcast
Sexual Health Awareness Month: Tips to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections!
Celebrate World Patient Safety Day 2020!
Back to School COVID-19 Edition: Moving, Birth Control, and How to Stay Safe
How to Talk Comfortably with Your Doctor
Dr. Yen Featured on GRL TALK With PREM-PR CEO Marilyn Cowley
Common Birth Control Questions Answered on Sofia Health Podcast!
Sex Education Resources for World Sexual Health Day!
Reflect on Your Reflection: Learning to Love Your Body
Self-Pleasure On A Budget
Embrace Your Inner Eros
Let’s Talk About (Inclusive & Comprehensive) Sex, Baby
How to Move Your Existing Prescription to Pandia Health!
Spread Sex Positivity, not Coronavirus!
Does Birth Control Cause Infertility?
The 7 Best Sex Positive Content to Indulge in
Sex Positive Influencers To Follow Right Now
3 Period Hacks to Manage Painful Cramps
5 Reasons People Choose Pandia Health for Free Birth Control Delivery
Songs to Support the Sisterhood: Black Female Artists Edition!
Female Entrepreneurs Podcast: How Pandia Health Came to Be
Do you have to take birth control at the same time every day?
Make your #PeriodsOptional with Pandia Health: Help with Period Leakage and Perimenopausal Bleeding
What Happens when you Miss your Pill?
Supreme Court’s Decision on Birth Control is the Opposite of Religious Freedom
5 Ways to Stay Safe While Protesting
Breakthrough Bleeding, including Spotting While Skipping
Dr. Christiane Northrup: Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
5 Ways to be Sex Positive
Take Charge of Your Body with Birth Control
Top 5 Reasons Why Your Period is Late
SheEO Podcast featuring Dr. Yen, CEO of Pandia Health
National Awkward Moment Day: Awkward Period Moments
Tips & Tricks for Advocating for Equal Pay in the Workplace!
22 PCOS-Friendly Recipes to Help Relieve Symptoms
National Diabetes Association Day — Discussing PCOS and Diabetes
Using Birth Control to Avoid Your Period on Your Wedding Day!
Female Founded, Female Led!
National Sex Day – Stay Safe While Having Fun
4 Mental and Health Tips for College Students #FunFromHome
My COVID-19 Experience as a College Student
Dr. Sophia Yen Featured on Femtech Focus Podcast!
Support Women and Their Bodies through Pandia Health
May is Menstruation Month!
Favorite Feminist Movies While You Self Isolate #FunFromHome
Scrolling through Pandia Health’s Google Reviews
Birth Control and Vaginal Dryness
How Moms Can Stay Connected During COVID-19
DIY Gifts for Mom
Dr. Sophia Yen, CEO & Co-Founder of Pandia Health, Featured on KGO: Getting Birth Control During COVID-19
Happy National Single Parents Day!
diy: at home face masks
Dr. Yen featured on Mind of a Mentor podcast
Dealing with Birth Control and Periods During Spring Break
How to choose the best, most effective birth control for me?
beat the #PeriodMunchies: healthy winter snacks!
How to Stop Your Periods During the Winter Break
What to Buy Your Gal Pals for the Holidays: Feminist Edition by Carmiya
Why I Became a Campus Rep at Pandia Health
Birth Control Side Effects: the Bad, the Myths, and the Good
How To Get My Birth Control Delivered Online
Rejoice for World Contraception Day by Carmiya
LifeHack: Don’t Skip Class Because of Birth Control
Saving Money Hacks for Back to School by Carmiya
What’s in My BackPack by Addie
How to Change your Pandia Health Delivery Address Before Going Back to School?
5 Things You Need In College by Addie
Tips on Staying Healthy & Safe in College!
LifeHack: Avoid Acne on Picture Day Using Birth Control!
Hate Your Period? Here’s How You Can Safely Skip Your Periods.
Positive Sex Talk
The San Francisco Chronicle Business & Tech Feature
Starting birth control: 6 tips for your first-time taking birth control pills
Apotex Corp. Birth Control Recall – What You Need To Know
Explaining Periods To Men: A Complete Guide On How To Make Even Cavemen Understand
Birth Control in Pop Culture: From Incredibly Accurate to Totally Wrong
birth control
Why Is Your Blood Pressure Important When Getting a Birth Control Prescription?
Temple Troubles: Dealing with Acne on Your Temples
Can Birth Control Cause Acne?
Interstate Abortion Travel. All You Should Know
Everything you Need to Know about Texas’ Newly Proposed Abortion Bill
FDA Approves Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill: Improving Women’s Reproductive Health
How to transfer a prescription? Is easier than you thought!
Should You Take Birth Control for Perimenopause Symptoms?
Skipping your period on birth control with expert care
Jawline Acne: Causes, Prevention & Tips for Quick Relief
Is Birth Control Expensive Without Insurance?
What Causes Forehead Acne & Tips to Prevent It
How To Get Birth Control Without Insurance?
All about Progestin Only Pills (progesterone only pill)
The condom broke. What now?
Unprotected Sex: A Guide on What to Do
Mili Birth Control vs Sprintec: Learn the Differences
Aurovela vs Junel: What’s the Difference?
A Parent’s Guide to Birth Control Methods for Teens
Roe v Wade Overturned: 6 Ways to Take Action
5 Interesting Birth Control Facts
Best Birth Control for Acne
What Causes Back Acne In Females & How to Treat It
How To Treat Chin Acne: A Comprehensive Guide
What Does Acne on your Cheeks Mean?
Yaz vs Yasmin: What’s the difference?
When does birth control start working?
Don’t let Your Period Get in the Way of your Vacation
What Is the Lowest Dose of Progesterone for HRT?
Benefits of HRT After 65
The Power of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Top Signs Perimenopause Is Ending and What It Means for You
Menopause and Sleep: Strategies for Restful Nights
Decoding the Truth: Can You Get Pregnant After Menopause?
Intimacy Changes: Navigating Painful Sex After Menopause
Navigating the Transition: When is the Optimal Time for Menopausal Hormone Therapy
Treatment for Vaginal Dryness During Perimenopause: Vaginal Estrogen Can Help
Managing Your Mental Health During Menopause
Understanding Perimenopause Symptoms
Menopause, sex and relationships. All you should know.
Perimenopause vs Menopause: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
How to Address Period Pain
Women's Lifestyle
International Women’s Day
Valentine’s Day: 3 tips for a safe sexy date
What would’ve been Roe V Wade Anniversary: 50 Years Since Roe V Wade Decision
At What Age Should You Stop Taking Birth Control Pills?
Plan C Pills (Medication Abortion, Medical Abortion, Abortion Pills): Your Questions Answered
Pandia Health joins #FreeBritney Movement
How Exercise Benefits Reproductive Health
birth control pill, patch, or ring – which one should i use?
How to Stop a Pimple from Forming
Birth Control & Vaccines: Should I stop taking Yaz if I got the J&J vaccine?
Birth Control Pills and who you love, lust, marry
September Newsletter
August Newsletter
July Newsletter
June newsletter
May newsletter
April: National sexual assault awareness month
April’s newsletter
March Newsletter
February Newsletter
January Newsletter 2022
Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills
I’m taking a multivitamin and calcium, will that interact with the birth control pills?
Milky White Discharge: What You Need to Know About Healthy Cervical Mucus
Everything to Know About Yeast Infections
Abnormally Heavy Periods: What to Know and How to Cope
#PeriodsProblems aka Painful periods aka Dysmenorrhea
Pandia Health & Village Doctor: Experts Discuss COVID-19
Frequently Asked Questions: What is the Best Birth Control for Me?
Everything You Need To Know About IUDs
Does Activated Charcoal Affect Birth Control Pills?
5 Things You Should Know About Birth Control
Can I get Pregnant on my Period?
Best Birth Control for overweight / Higher BMI Women
Embracing Your Sexual Power
Why Emergency Contraceptives and Birth Control Are Not The Same Thing
Birth Control Preference Mis-Match
Know Your Emergency Contraception Pills: Ella vs Plan B
Quora Questions with Dr. Sophia Yen!
COVID-19 and Weight Gain
Don’t Sleep on Your Reproductive Health: Melatonin and Birth Control
How You Can Support Black Lives Matter
Good versus Bad Telemedicine: 6 Things to Look for When Choosing a Telemedicine Provider
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Tips from Dr. Sophia Yen
How to manage birth control pill side effects
What’s the Risk of Breast Cancer with Birth Control Pills?
Can an IUD fall out? Why? And what to do?
The year is ending, make sure to use your Medical Flex Spending!
What is the Depo-Shot? aka “The Shot” or “Birth Control Shot”
Dalila: Patient Experience Testimonial
It’s just a little blood. #EndPeriodStigma
How Does Age Affect Your Birth Control?
Beat the Fall Munchies with these Healthy Food Choices!
Don’t Let Your Period Get in the Way of Your New Holiday Outfits!
Its National Women’s Small Business Month!
Fall Life Hacks: Women’s Health Edition
What’s on Your Book & Movie List? Reproductive Health Edition!
How Much Do You Know About Birth Control
Put a (Nuva)Ring On it!
Advice to My College Freshman Self By Carmiya
Does Birth Control Make You Gain Weight? Q&A with Dr. Yen
How do I get free birth control?
Birth Control Effectiveness Math!
LifeHack: Regulate Your Hormones & Ace your First Test
Birth Control and Obesity
The Truth About Birth Control and Acne.
Does Birth Control Cause Weight Gain? Everything You Need to Know
Legislative Twitter Live
What’s in a Pandia Health Box?
CNN Business Feat. Delivering Birth Control with or without Insurance
How to Have a #PeriodFree Summer!
Contraception and Study Abroad
No Time for Bleeding While On Vacation!
What To Do If You Forget To Pack The Pill For Your Holiday
Family Planning: When to Stop Birth Control
Trusting your birth control delivery
Is it Safe to Use Birth Control While Breastfeeding?
What Is Natural Family Planning or Fertility Awareness Method?
What You Need to Know About Birth Control and Pregnancy
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
The Benefit of Skipping Periods as an Athlete
Putting an End to Tampon Shaming
Best Period Stocking Stuffers
The Gift of Birth Control: Giving Back Over the Holidays
Because of the Pill
Top Five Reasons You Should Choose Generic Birth Control Over Brand Name
The True Cost of Your Period
The Summer I Tried To Get A Prescription for Birth Control
Five Products That Do More Harm Than Good to Your Vagina
How To Rock White On Your Period: A Summer Survival Guide
Five Reasons to Consider Birth Control That Aren’t for Pregnancy Prevention
What you need to know about: Emergency Contraception
Female Athletes and How to Skip Periods
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: What It Is & How To Treat It
Birth Control & Your Insurance – What To Do Now
Graham-Cassidy Repeal: We’ve Dodged Another Bullet. For Now.
Q&A with Dr. Sophia Yen
Transitioning From College to Real Life: 4 Ways for a Healthier You
The Birth Control Pill Revolution
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Women’s March 2017
Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions
What Happens During a PAP Smear
Birth Control After A Baby
Campus Safety 101
Ready to start your new semester?
Did you know that you can skip your periods???
Where and How To Get Birth Control Pills
A History of Scapegoating and Sexual Violence
Fighting for Equal Access to Contraceptive Care
fun diy: hand sanitizers
Dr. Sophia Yen Featured on Imagine Human!
Here’s Everything You Should Know About Condoms
DIY Stocking Stuffers List: Reproductive Health Edition by Carmiya
Taking the Pill Before Netflix & Chill
How to get your Birth Control Online for Cyber Monday by Jacquie
New Year’s Resolutions: Be In Control of Your Body
Hormonal VS Non Hormonal Birth Control
Managing birth control pill side effects. A guide for providers.
does birth control make you moody
How to Prepare if Roe v Wade is Overturned by the Supreme Court
Oral Antibiotics for Acne: What You Need to Know
how to treat fungal acne on your face
What Age Does Acne Go Away? A Guide for Teens and Young Adults
How Does Emergency Contraception Work & Which One is Best For Me?
Breastfeeding and Birth Control
Natural Family Planning
Birth Control And Pregnancy
Family Planning: When to Stop Birth Control
Obamacare, Medicare and Birth Control
Insurance and Birth Control
Anemia and Birth Control
Managing Endometriosis With The Pill
Birth Control Pills Taken Off the Market aka Discontinued FAQs
Birth Control and Religion
Myths About Birth Control
Does Male Birth Control Exist?
Low Dose Birth Control
Libido and Birth Control
Hair Loss and Birth Control
Understanding Uterine Fibroids and How Birth Control Can Treat Them
Birth Control and the LGBTQ Communities
Birth Control and Blood Clots
Can Birth Control Cause Anxiety?
Guide to Sexual Health
Other Resources
Birth Control Implant aka Nexplanon: Pros and Cons
Myths About Periods
Lowering Risk of Ovarian Cysts Using Birth Control
Other Reasons to Take Birth Control
Birth Control and Abortion
Migraines and Birth Control
How Does Alcohol Affect Birth Control?
How Much Does Birth Control Cost?
Does Birth Control Help with Acne?
Does Birth Control Make You Gain Weight?
Birth Control's Journey in Your Body: Duration & After Effects
Smoking and Birth Control: Understanding the Risks
Mood Swings, Hormones, and Birth Control: What to Know
Birth Control and Menopause: Should You Keep Taking It?
Birth Control Effectiveness: What Method Works Best?
Birth Control and Depression: Everything You Need to Know
Bleeding and Birth Control: What's normal?
Birth Control and Antibiotics
Everything You Need To Know About Birth Control Pills
Birth Control Throughout History
When Should a Woman Start Birth Control?
The Big Guide to the Pill
Flexible Spending Accounts
Do you prescribe compounded meds?
Do you prescribe testosterone?
How do I place an order for a refill?
When is my next refill?
How do I get a prescription?
How many pills can I receive in one shipment?
What if I lost my medication?
How long does shipping usually take?
Is shipping discreet?
Does Pandia provide tracking?
Do you accept insurance for medication?
Do you accept insurance for telehealth consultation?
Which insurances do you accept?
What makes Pandia doctors different from other providers?
Is shipping free?
In which states can Pandia Health prescribe?
Are periods optional?
Do I need to be a certain age to get prescription birth control through Pandia?
Will birth control make me gain weight?
Will birth control make me sterile?
How effective is birth control?
Is birth control safe?
What is the best treatment for menopause?
Can a doctor prescribe anything for menopause?
What makes Pandia doctors different from other providers?
What is the best non-estrogen treatment for menopause?
Does Pandia require lab work or blood tests?
Who writes my prescriptions and how are they trained?
Can I get birth control that will help me skip my period? Will not having a period lower my chances of pregnancy?
Is there anything I should know ahead of my IUD insertion appointment, especially about pain management?
Are birth control pills vegan?
How does Twirla (the birth control patch) work?
Twirla vs Xulane/Zafemy: How do they compare?
What brands of birth control does Pandia Health offer?
How does birth control shipping work with Pandia Health?
Does Pandia Health accept insurance for birth control?
How much do birth control pills cost with Pandia Health?
How do I get birth control online with Pandia Health?
Do I need a prescription for birth control?
Can I get birth control online?
Where can I buy birth control?
I have Celiac disease. Which birth control options are gluten-free?
What's the best birth control for acne?
What kind of birth control is safe with pulmonary stenosis?
Do you carry Dienogest or Qlaira?
Should I stop my birth control pill before surgery?
Is a 2 week period normal after stopping birth control pills?
Why does my birth control pill make me crazy?
What's the difference between Seasonale, Seasonique, Loseasonique?
Why are there different colors of birth control pills?
What's the best birth control if I don't want to have any children?
When can I stop taking my birth control pills?
When should I start my Combination Pills?
Do I need to wait until I am done with my period to start taking birth control pills or can I start any time?
Am I still protected while taking the placebo pills?
I started my birth control on the first day of my period. Now my period is much lighter than usual. Is this normal?
What does withdrawal bleeding after stopping birth control indicate?
Do I need a Pap smear every 3 years for Birth Control Pill?
Can I get an HPV vaccine?
If I get my birth control prescription by telehealth, doesn’t my doctor need to take a pap smear to decide what birth control I need?
I am 20 years old and take Reclipsen. My periods are irregular and last a lot longer than they should. Is this normal?
Do I need a Pap smear every 3 years for BCP?
I live in MA and am under 18. How do I get confidential birth control services?
I’m on my parents insurance but want to keep my birth control confidential from them. Can you help?
With some states having pharmacists prescribe birth control, will my birth control be covered under insurance?
Can I get birth control without my parents knowing?
Does skipping periods cause imbalances in estrogen and progesterone or lead to diseases like PCOS?
Does skipping periods with birth control pills cause medical problems like blood clots and weight gain?
How long can I prevent my period using monophasic birth control pill or ring?
If you haven’t had a period in 2 years because you take birth control will your first period after you stop taking it last a really long time?
When I stop for 5 days due to bleeding. Should I use back up condoms?
How can I choose to skip my periods on the pill?
Are periods optional?
What happens to your body after you stop birth control?
I have been skipping my period for 4 months now, without breakthrough bleeding. Should I let myself have a period once in a while, or can I skip indefinitely?
Besides using midol or Motrin etc, what are non-medicinal ways to relieve cramps, headaches, and crappy moods while I’m on my period?
Will birth control help ease the symptoms of PCOS?
Why can’t some women coming off the pill get pregnant?
I started taking the pills and my hair is falling out. Is this normal?
Why does LNG IUS decrease endometrial and cervical cancer?
Can birth control cause vaginal dryness?
Does birth control affect your libido?
Is it bad to introduce hormones from birth control into your body? Is it better for you to let your body just react naturally?
Do birth control pills cause cancer?
Do birth control pills cause infertility in the future?
What if I’m lactose intolerant?
Do birth control pills make you gain weight?
I’m getting nausea on the pills, what can I do?
What are common side effects to the pill?
I take the minipill at 9pm everyday. Does the minipill have to be taken 2-3 hours before sex to be most effective?
Does the length of the placebo pill week affect hormonal birth control efficacy?
I read online that if I start the pill within 5 days of the start of my period, that I will be protected right away—is this true or what effect does this have if I take it as soon as possible?
Are the effectiveness stats assuming the man ejaculates inside the woman?
How soon are birth control pills effective? How long do I have to wait before having sex?
What are the side effects of ECP (Emergency Contraception Pill) if used several times?
What does emergency contraception do to your body to prevent pregnancy?
My gf had her period last week and she’s still bleeding. We used the morning after pill. What does this mean?
Will ulipristal acetate (ella®) mess up my periods?
What are the common side effects for ulipristal acetate?
How does Over The Counter (OTC) Emergency Contraception Pills (ECPs) work?
What are the dangers of taking the morning-after pill (a.k.a. Plan B or Levonorgestrel) too often?
Do you write prescriptions for Emergency Contraception (EC)?
How effective are emergency contraceptive pills?
What are the different options for emergency contraception?
I’m taking a cold medicine, will that interact with the birth control pills?
Do high dosages of Vitamin C reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills?
I’m taking a multivitamin and Calcium, will that interact with the birth control pills?
Is it ok to take topomax (topiramate) with orthocyclen or other birth control pills?
I took the pill on the first day of my period and my period stopped, and I’m continuing taking the pills but I’m spotting everyday. Is this normal?
I haven’t had a period in two month due to being on the birth control and now I am spotting. Does this mean that my medication isn’t in effect? I haven’t missed a pill.
If my birth control Nuvaring showed up and was not cold is it still safe to use?
What do I do if I forgot to take the NuvaRing out or found it has fallen out?
What is the cost of IUDs in the US?
Are hormonal birth control and IUD really good for women? Do they have bad side effects?
Do birth control patches work with dysmenorrhea? I’m wanting birth control for really bad cramps but swallowing pills gives me anxiety. If not, are there ones that dissolve or are chewable?
How soon is the patch effective?
What if I’m not happy with the birth control pill that I’m taking?
What do you do if you are 3 hrs late taking your POPs?
What is the difference between Drosperinone and Loryna?
Can I smoke cigarettes while taking the pill?
What are your thoughts on Yaz?
Which pill should I take if I have acne?
How do I switch from one pill to another pill?
Should I switch from Norgestrel to Levonorgestrel?
Why should I switch from my triphasic to a monophasic pill?
What should I know about Progestin Only Pills (POPs)?
Does switching between birth control pills puts me at risk for pregnancy?
What are the hormones in birth control?
Can you still get pregnant on birth control?
If I am taking the birth control pill, patch, or ring, why do I need to use condoms?
What to do I do if I forgot to take my birth control pill(s)?
Where can I get my blood pressure read?
Why do women who take BC Pills have an unexpected pregnancy sometimes?
Is it safe to take birth control if you have high blood pressure?
What is the next big thing for birth control?
What should I know about birth control and STD prevention as a man having sex with a woman?
What is the difference between generic and name brand?
What is the most statistically effective pregnancy prevention option?
What is the difference between the pill and the patch?
What are the risks of the birth control pill, patch, or ring?
Are birth control pills really bad for you?
I love Pandia’s mission. How can I help those in need?
I love what Pandia does! Do you have a referral program?
I’m a non-profit organization. How can we partner?
I’m a doctor or doctor’s office. How can we work together?
Does Pandia share information with my primary care physician?
Will my parents be alerted because I’m on their insurance?
Does Pandia share my information with anyone?
Are my records kept private?
Does Pandia replace my primary care physician?
Can I talk to the same doctor again in the future?
Can I still talk to a doctor even if I just want to transfer an existing prescription?
How many doctors provide consultations for Pandia?
What is a partner pharmacy?
How can I track my shipment?
How many months of pills can I receive at a time?
How does billing work?
Is birth control from Pandia free?
When do I need to pay the doctor consult fee?
Does Pandia accept Medicaid/MediCal?
What if I don’t have insurance?
What do I get charged?
Are generics as good as brand name?
How do I know what kind of birth control to get?
Do you carry my brand of birth control?
Can I use Pandia even if I have never used birth control before?
What if I need a prescription for Emergency Contraception?
What kinds of birth control does Pandia provide?
Where is the birth control sourced?
Can I just get refills for my existing birth control prescription?
Do I need to be a certain age to get services from Pandia?
Can I get a birth control prescription from Pandia?
Which states does Pandia service?
How does this work?
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