Acne can be especially frustrating for those who experience breakouts in the same locations repeatedly, and one of the more notorious areas for this is the jawline. So what causes jawline acne? And how can you treat it and finally end the painful cycle of flare ups?

In this article, we’ll get into the weeds about possible causes of jawline-specific breakouts and helpful acne treatments that can transform your day-to-day life.

jawline acne

What Chin Acne Means?

So we know that excess oil + dead skin cells + bacteria = acne. Normally, your skin is able to keep these 3 things pretty well-balanced. But, when you have a hormonal imbalance or dramatic fluctuations in hormones, your skin’s oil glands produce too much oil.

New research points to the possible causes of why you may experience acne on your chin and jawline. Spoiler alert: it’s mainly due to your hormones.

How To Get Rid of Jawline Acne?

Want to treat and prevent jawline acne? You're in luck! Pandia Health now offers online acne treatment, bringing the doctor's office to you with telehealth services, so you can get prescription acne treatment (and birth control!) delivered to you with no trip to the doctor's office.

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What Causes Jawline Acne?

There are a few reasons why you may experience breakouts along your jawline. When excess oil and dead skin cells get trapped in your pores, they create the right conditions for bacteria to grow, causing irritation and inflammation of the pores, leading to acne.

Hormonal changes within your body can cause excess oil production, and your jawline can be very sensitive to these shifts. Hence why you may get regular breakouts on the lower half of your face.

Different types of acne on your jawline can appear, including:

Inflammatory acne

  • Papules are raised bumps or lesions with no head and feel rough to the touch.
  • Pustules are raised bumps, filled with pus (a white or yellow liquid), surrounded by a red ring, and painful.
  • Nodules are firm, painful bumps under your skin and red bumps on the surface. Nodular acne requires medical treatment from a healthcare provider.
  • Cysts are large, painful lumps that form deep under the skin and are filled with pus. Like nodules, you cannot treat cystic acne at home. Cystic acne requires prescription treatment to reduce the risk of scarring and infection.

Non-inflammatory acne

  • Whiteheads are small, closed pimples. Unlike papules or pustules, the surrounding area is not inflamed and red.
  • Blackheads are dark, open bumps on the skin.

Hormonal Acne

An increase in oil production is often due to an imbalance of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. Testosterone (a kind of androgen, or male hormone) can cause your skin to up its oil production, clogging your pores. This imbalance can lead to hormonal acne.

Endocrine conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) can also cause pimples on the jawline. PCOS results in more free, circulating Testosterone, resulting in more acne. But what could be making your acne worse? Here are a few things.

Touching Your Face

Per the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), touching your face can spread dirt, oil, and bacteria from your hands to your face, which can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts. The AAD recommends only touching your face when cleaning or applying lotion, sunscreen, or makeup.

Make sure you have clean hands before touching your face and try to limit touching your face throughout the day.


women holding mask with acne

Because of COVID-19, you’re now familiar with mask-wearing and for some people the acne that comes afterward.

Wearing a mask can obstructs hair follicles, which leads to irritation, inflammation, and acne. It can also create moist conditions on your face that can trap bacteria and clog your pores.

Maskne” typically appears as small red bumps or whiteheads.


If you have PCOS, you might be dealing with excessive hair growth, or hirsutism. If you choose to shave your face, you’ll need to do it safely and effectively to prevent pimples (and razor burns). Shaving could make existing acne worse, and further skin irritation and inflammation.

Cosmetic Products

Your skincare and haircare products can contribute to your acne woes. Some cosmetic products contain oil or can irritate your skin. This excess oil and skin irritation creates the right conditions for acne to thrive. Look for products labeled “non-comedogenic” that contain ingredients that won’t clog pores. It’s a win-win.

How To Treat Jawline Acne?

girl looking at her jawline

Excess oil, dead skin cell build-up, and bacteria are the main causes of jawline acne, though usually it’s from hormonal causes As a result, acne treatments target these factors to help acne-prone skin.

Many acne treatments don’t require a prescription but often do not work as well. If you’re looking to knock out your jawline acne, Pandia Health offers online consultations with expert doctors to help you find the best acne treatment. As well as FREE delivery of your prescription acne treatment medications!

Use an over the counter Topical Treatment

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are common ingredients found in over-the-counter cleansers, creams, and treatments that can help treat jawline acne. They work by removing dirt, excess oil, and extra dead skin cells from your skin. Salicylic acid can reduce the redness and swelling of acne breakouts while decreasing the number of future pimples. Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria that cause acne.

Use a prescription Topical Treatment

If you need something stronger, retinoids, like Differin Gel and Tretinoin, are prescription medications that prevent cells from being sticky, decrease oil production, decrease pore size which prevents hair follicles from becoming clogged, which then prevents pimples from forming.


Spironolactone is a prescription medication used to treat acne. It works by blocking androgen receptors in the body and stopping the way skin cells respond to these hormones. Because jawline acne is mainly caused by hormonal changes, Spironolactone is a great option for treating your jawline acne.

Pandia Health now offers online acne treatment! If you’re curious about Spironolactone for acne, just fill out our quick health survey, and our expert doctors will evaluate photos of your problem area(s) for only $35. Then, they can help you find the right treatment for you and send it directly to your mailbox.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are often used to treat and prevent hormonal jawline acne because they regulate your hormones. The FDA has approved 3 oral contraceptive pills to treat acne. However, research has shown that all combined birth control pills help treat acne.

Topical or Oral Antibiotics

Topical and Oral antibiotics are prescription medications. These medications work by killing excess bacteria on your skin and reducing redness and inflammation caused by acne. Depending how severe your acne is the doctor might prescribe topical or oral antibiotics. To decrease the risk of bacterial resistance to the antibiotics it is always recommended to use benzoyl peroxide with whatever antibiotics is prescribed. Generally oral antibiotics are limited to 3-6 months of use.


girl checking her acne

We know jawline acne can be tricky to deal with, and there’s only so much you can do at home. If you struggle with pimples on your jawline and have tried all the at-home or over-the-counter products, reach out to the expert doctors at Pandia Health for help.

Pandia Health is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable health information. Check us out on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok for more information about reproductive rights, women’s health, and lifestyle.

Disclaimer: This article is for general informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider before starting or changing acne treatment.