Remember the devastation of discovering a blemish minutes before photo day or a big dance in high school? Just because we aren’t teenagers anymore doesn’t mean that our days suffering from acne and pimple problems are gone. Unfortunately, the blemish before the big dance has been replaced with the acne before the big meeting. For many, acne is lifelong.

  • 51% of women 20 -29 years old, 
  • 35% of women 30-39 years old, 
  • 26% of women 40-49 y/o 

have acne per a study in 2008

Also, certain medications like corticosteroids, androgens, and  lithium have been linked to acne. Despite popular belief, stress does not cause acne, but it can worsen an existing case. 

Studies have also shown that a diet rich in foods that increase blood sugar, such as dairy products and carbohydrate-rich bread, may also trigger acne. 

Although you can change your diet, unfortunately, you cannot alter your genetics. A family history of adult acne may indicate you’re more likely to develop this skin condition. So if your mom/dad had acne and it lasted throughout their adult years, this may happen to you too.